7 December 2015

Sunday Mail Article

I was given a call By Sam at the Cancer Council to see if I was interested in writing a few lines about my accident, training, and fundraising efforts for them to submit to the media to try and get the Beat Cancer Tour some exposure.
'Of Course' was my immediate answer, then my composition went to the Cancer Council's media advisor, Georgia, who refined my words to make it 'media legible'.

Thankfully the paper liked the story, and along with Felicity's story, which is more relevant being a cancer survivor, a day was set up where some photos could be taken.

So we met at the Beat Cancer Tour's sponsoring bike shop Bicycle Express where we had a few photos taken with a mechanic working on a bike.  It was funny in parts as none of us knew where to look or what to do, so quite a bit of direction was needed.

We then were given a couple of brand new bikes and Felicity and I went around the corner to a side street and rode up and down it five or six times, which is where the main photo for the article came from.  The 'training ride' was all of 500m!!

Next we went to the Hilton (where we will be staying with the pro's during the Tour Down Under, and met a couple of masseurs who set up their tables and we had a couple of photos of us pretending to get a massage.

Next we went across the road to a cafe where we ordered some breakfast food (even though it was early afternoon).  The photographer wanted all sorts of different photos of us eating, chatting, and looking at eachother, and in the small photo you can see the smirks on our faces as we kept on trying not to laugh at each other.

It was a fairly simple day, and then by surprise a few months later the article appeared in the Sunday Mail!

To Donate To My Beat Cancer Tour Fundraising: