17 January 2016

Beat Cancer Tour - Day 1: Teams Presentation

Check in at the Hilton hotel was between 1-2pm where I found out that I had a room to myself with a big massive bed - Awesome!!

We checked in our bikes for the mechanic to have a quick look over before tomorrow's ride, then were presented with our team outfits for the week.  this consisted of two full riding kits (which look awesome by the way), two polo tops for wearing when we are  not in our cycling outfits, and our ID badges which gives us access pretty much anywhere!!

Our Beat Cancer Tour Team Kit

Out first Team Briefing was at 4pm where we were given an overview of the expectations for the week, a safety briefing, a few rules for when we were out on the road, and it was also a chance to meet up with all the other riders.

We then headed over to the back area of the stage for the Teams Presentations, however a non working PA system meant that there were big delays.  However, we eventually made it onto the stage, however as they were running so late it was a very quick introduction and then we were off again.

On Stage For The Team Presentation

Our first team dinner was held at Flinders Lodge - one of the Cancer Council's accommodation services that they offer to country people that have to come to the city for treatment.

We were given a couple of welcome speeches by various Cancer Council people before hearing a story of the value of the fundraising efforts we put in.  The story was told by a lady that used the Cancer Council services while her husband was undergoing treatment for testicular cancer.  It was a remarkable story - a young guy with two children getting diagnosed with cancer.  Unfortunately it spread - so badly that at one stage he was only given another two days to live.  However, he fought, and eventually beat the disease.
It was a remarkable story and no one in the room was left with a dry eye at its conclusion.

A great dinner was put on by the people from Fresh Active (www.freshactive.com.au) before we all came back to the hotel for an early night.

Team ride to Outer Harbour departing the Hilton at 10am, then we'll be on the People's Choice Classic start line at 4pm.

Celebrity Viewings:
Jack Bobridge and Rohan Dennis