21 January 2016

Beat Cancer Tour - Day 5: Stage 2 - Unley to Stirling

Today's Km's: 141km
Total KM's: 408km
Pre Ride Weight: 78.2kg
Post Ride Weight: 79.6kg

BCT Stage 2: Unley to Stirling

It is so nice to get awoken by the alarm clock, however the fact that it went off at 3.50am could have something to do with that!!

Although out reported breakfast time of 4am was  an hour earlier than yesterday, we actually had to be on the bikes and ready to go 30mins earlier which meant that things were alot more rushed!  However we all got away on time, apart from one rider so was late so got driven and met us on the freeway.

We had been told that today was more than likely going to be the hardest day so as soon as I weighed in I was consuming the fluids and food!  The weather was much more pleasant, cool to start off with and little wind which was great!!

It was an experience starting off at that hour of the morning with all of us with our bike lights on.  We left the Tour Village, headed along King William Rd, Victoria Ave, then onto Cross Rd. We rode on the actual freeway to Crafers which was a climb of some 8km before making our way up to Piccadilly.  the KOM was only 13.8km into the stage and at the last minute I decided to have a go.  I know that I can't beat the weight weenies that are 15-20kg's lighter than me, but I still came fourth which I was happy with.  However my legs were not happy with me at all - they were absolutely burning after that effort and we had 118km to go - well done John!!

We had a quick break at the top, then continued on to Bridgewater, Aldgate and made our way into Stirling for the first loop which went from Stirling, Heathfield, Mylor, and Aldgate which was 21kms long - and we had to do it 5 times (4 in previous years!!!!).

Half of this loop was undulating with some real fast downhill segments where we reached up to 65km/h as well as some short pinches, then when we came into Mylor it seemed just about all uphill from there the rest of the way into Stirling.  For the first lap it felt as the pace was really on and alot of people were getting dropped off the back, and our peleton was splitting and then the front group would dramatically slow to let everyone catch up again.

Due to the fact we were on a tight time frame some people sat out one, two, or three laps, and those that continued on did so still at a pretty constant pace.  We stopped for a very brief feed, so brief in fact that I only had time to eat one thing and the rest went into the back pockets to have later.  Once again I was consuming lots of drinks (I lost count today), and eating lots of food - hence my my weight was well up from when I started.

Everyone joined in for the last lap where we were by then a touch ahead of time which meant that we could take it really easy up the climbs and stay together as a group.  Halfway through this lap I was called up the front to have the honour of going over the finish line in front which was a great experience.

After The Finish With The BCT Cars
 It was a really hard days riding, 141kms with 3000m of climbing, and Strava said we averaged 25.2km/h, which doesn't sound like much but there was alot of climbing as mentioned!

We were lucky enough to have a shower at the Stirling EFM, then sit in the allocated BCT area just after the finish line, eat our lunch, and watch the riders each time they cam around.  Adam Hansen from Team Lotto Belisol was on a lone breakaway for a few laps and once time he came past he threw out his water bottle, and it just happened to come my way so I quickly grabbed it!!

I Managed To Grab Adam Hansen's Water Bottle!

We watched  the end of the race which was very thrilling with less than half a wheel in it and Aussie Jay McCarthy crossing first and collecting the leaders Ochre jersey too!

Pro Rider From Team Lotto Soudal - Greg Henderson

We came back to Adelaide, had a shower, had a very painful massage, then went down for the team briefing - yay a  sleep in tomorrow - 6am!!  Greg Henderson, a pro rider from Team lotto Soudal, came and had a chat to us which was great, then we left for dinner at Cafe Bocelli where Annette Edmonson came and joined us - and at the table next to us were cycling  commentators Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwin!!